We don't typically engage in hyperbole, but we will say that no matter what industrial problem you have, we've already been part of the solution.


When you've been in business as long as we have and faced technology's increasingly rapid developments, you learn a few things. Or, in our case, more than a few.



Honesty, commitment and quality


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Construction Management

Having the right hands on the job makes a difference

We thrive in solving Clients needs, everyone can claim to be an expert but there is not one job that is the same that is why here at IDDO finding the solution is what makes this our jobs exiting.




When you choose an industrial solution, you also need to have the people to keep the wheels greased.


IDDO  has you covered. All of our contracts include service and maintenance for the life of the implmentation. You'll thank us for it later.

Welding Capabilities

Welding & manufacturing  any  job possibilities are endless 

IDDO  is an AWS D1.1 Structural Steel, AWS D1.2 Aluminum, and AWS D1.6 Stainless Steel certified facility. In addition, a stringent in-house quality control is enforced to ensure only the highest quality products are manufactured.

We have a saying around the office. It goes, "There's no problem an engineer won't solve."


If you need a team of experienced folks who understand how the world works and how to make it work for you, we're here to help.

Custom Metal Fabrication is one of our greatest attributes. 


Certified Welding ( AWS D1.1, D1.6, and D1.2)

Shop & Field capability

LA City Quality Control  License

-Custom Metal manufacturing 

- Certified welding 

- LA certified Quality control certified

- concrete removal

- management

- Custom  engineering

- Custom mechanical engineering